Small thing that makes a big difference for me

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Small thing that makes a big difference for me

Post by Izen »

I've been using qBittorrent for quite a while now, and overall have been very satisfied, so thank you for creating it.  But I created this forum account for a single purpose.

There's this one little thing that grinds my gears, so to speak.

It's how far down the right click context menu the "Open Destination Folder" option is.  In the olden days before when I was using something other than BitTorrent I got used to having it just next to where I'd clicked.  I found it very intuitive and smooth, convenient and polished. I use it rather frequently and being so far down the list means having to kinda approximate it's location and read through the area that I know it's near to actually locate and utilize it.

Not sure if anyone else would agree, but it's surprisingly been a little pet peeve type thing for me. 

Cheers and best wishes,

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