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Fastest client so far

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 9:46 am
by Peter
I was really surprised when I saw the new Windows download option. In the heat of the moment I just grabbed the pack. Installed it. On my PC I usually have a few clients like uTorrent, Vuze, BitTorrent. (Sometimes the uTorrent crew screw up the whole app. Vuze is just so heavy I don't really like to launch it. BitTorrent is the "stable uTorrent'. :))

It turns out, qBittorrent is the fastest amongst them. Why? That's a very good question. I tried all of them without limits (connection/etc) and then fine-tuned them. No real difference. uTorrent comes with ~1.2-1.3MB/s. BitTorrent is about the same speed, Vuze brings ~1.3-1.4MB/s. qBittorrent provides 1.5MB/s by start and goes above that (~1.6MB/s).

Don't know why, how, but I love it. :)
Kudos for the Windows installer and the people who made all this possible.

Re: [WIN] Fastest client so far

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 1:02 am
by DasFox
I thought you were the developer since you're the site admin. LOL... ;)

I love this program too, except the 'Buy It' in the menu, I'll be happy when that's removed.

Re: [WIN] Fastest client so far

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 6:39 am
by Peter
Ah no I'm not a dev and I don't think there is a need for devs. I mean.. I'm experienced in Qt. But Christopher and his team is just spitting out the new releases. Guess the help would be needed at libtorrent-rasterbar .. but I don't have actual experience with coding libtorrent like applications.

Re: [WIN] Fastest client so far

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 11:09 pm
by DasFox
Ahh ok, well all I can do is compile src code and I'm working on making a package for Windows for v2.3.0rc2 for myself and if anyone wants it they can have it too.

Also since I run Slackware I can make a slackware package for it, or the slackbuild, the latest one on is old.

Re: [WIN] Fastest client so far

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 11:05 pm
by christophe.dumez
Well, I'm the developer :p

Shiki was the one who had the idea to open a forum for qBittorrent and who took the time to set it up. Apparently this was a really good idea according to the number of posts already.

BTW Shiki, developers are welcome in the project. If there are features you wish to implement, feel free to send me patches ;) Help is always welcome, especially considering I'm the only active developer at the moment. It is true that I managed (until now) to maintain a fast development pace but it might change soon because I'm graduating in August and taking a position in early september.

Re: [WIN] Fastest client so far

Posted: Tue Jul 27, 2010 12:12 am
by DasFox
shiki you saying you get faster download/upload speeds with it?

I don't see how qBittorrent can give you any speed faster then any other client?

For me it's just as fast/normal as any other client, it does a nice job.

You also mentioned you did tweaks, what sort of?


Re: Fastest client so far

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 9:30 pm
by Nemo
For me its also a fast client. Offcourse it needed some tweaks (which I can't give here, is different per connection) but im getting nice speeds with it maxing my downloadspeed. Ram usage stays low, even while seeding many torrents at the same time. All works good so far ;); no bugs, glitches or whatsoever found yet. Using v2.3.0 which seems damn stable :mrgreen: !

Its hard to write down improvments or features to be added, for me it has all basic features I need, fits my needs.

Few things that came up in my head:
- uTp? Hm I don't think qBittorrent needs it, but could be useful for other users.
- Speed wizard at first start of the program? Possible, default settings aren't perfect for every connection in my opinion.

A short review, opinion about my qBittorrent experience so far :).


Re: Fastest client so far

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 12:59 pm
by Peter
"uTp? Hm I don't think qBittorrent needs it, but could be useful for other users."

It's more than nearly complete. I guess it's done but no stable release with it (I GUESS!).

The speed guide idea.. open a ticket with [Wishlist]+suggestion name on the launchpad tracker. I think Chris will implement it since it's not much of a deal, just some basic calculation.

Re: Fastest client so far

Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:39 pm
by klischee
[quote=""shiki""]qBittorrent provides 1.5MB/s by start and goes above that (~1.6MB/s).[/quote]
Possible it has more overhead than the others, haha :D

But more than downloading speed I like the speed of the User Interface of qBT. I tried out a lot of clients like Deluge, but because of the Python runtime it's reeeaally slow, slow in starting, slow in runnung. Other open source clients have GTK+ - good for linux, but it's the most crappy shit in Windows - slow, ugly, absolutely not native in look & feel, .... Also the web interface is much more faster than the one of Deluge. I think Qt is really the best choice for really fast cross plattform open source tools. Python, GTK+, Java, all others are so damn slow and ressource hungry, lucky for Windows users qBT don't use those runtimes. ;)

Re: Fastest client so far

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 7:02 pm
by christophe.dumez
Possible it has more overhead than the others, haha :D

Haha, I sure hope not ;)

For your information, qBittorrent only reports the payload download/upload rates (meaning that they don't include the overhead). So, the actual number is actual higher than reported but the user is only interested in the payload data (so I only report the payload rate).