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Most torrents in the search results don't work

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2024 3:22 pm
by Alonso
I use qBittorrent's search very often to look for torrents. For the last few months (maybe since I reinstalled Windows, but I'm not sure) most of the torrents returned by qBittorrent's search don't work. When I try to download the torrents returned by the search result, one of the following three things happens:
  • About 10%-20% work as expected.
  • About 60%-70% don't work at all. When I try to download them, nothing happens at all.
  • About 20%-30% return the error message "Invalid torrent", as in the picture below, and the torrent can't be downloaded:
    • Untitled.png
      Untitled.png (41.65 KiB) Viewed 1297 times

      There is another thread in this forum about this error message, but the solution suggested there doesn't work for me. I used Disk Clean-up as suggested, but the problem persists. I also checked the file name length limit, as suggested here, but my system already has the file name length limit disabled, so that doesn't seem to be the problem either.

      Can you help? Thank you in advance.

      OS: Windows 10
      qBittorrent version: 4.6.2