Qbittorent leaking while torrenting vpn surfshark

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Qbittorent leaking while torrenting vpn surfshark

Post by lucileangle »

Does anyone know the correct interface adapter to use so that I am not leaking? I use the vpn Surfshark. I chatted for over two hours with them and they could not figure out why I am leaking during torrent activation but suspected it had to do with qbittorrent network interface. Thanks so much for any help.
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Re: Qbittorent leaking while torrenting vpn surfshark

Post by Peter »

Well the adapter depends on the VPN provider and their client. But if one adapter works while you are connected, ie."VPN Adapter", then that should just work and your IP should never leak if you always use qBittorrent. How did you know that your IP leaked? Did you get a mail about p2p?

Ps.: On Mac it might not be possible to bind to interface. FIXME though, I can't check, I have 0 Mac machines in my vicinity.
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