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Feature request: torrent options on add torrent window (or category/tag-specific options)

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 5:11 pm
by element4l
It would be great to be able to set torrent options when adding a torrent, such as Speed and Share Limits and DHT. Either that or some kind of way to automatically assign specific torrent options to torrents in a category, tag, or from a list of trackers.

This would enable smooth unobstructive workflow. Currently, I click a magnet link, it opens the add torrent window, I add it, and qBittorrent minimizes to tray. I have to open it, right click the torrent, select torrent options, change them, and hit save. If these options were available in the add torrent window, you wouldn't have to manually go in and select every torrent you add again to change its options.

Could there be a way to do this via some kind of automated interaction with the web ui?