An I/O error occured

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An I/O error occured

Post by donclanc »

First thing, I Love qBittorrent. Best/fastest I have used. & this is the first problem I've had since I started using it months ago. Thank You for creating it.

System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bits
6GB RAM, 500GB Hitachi ATA disk.

Using qBittorrent 3.0.8.

In the Execution log it states:

06/03/2013 00:33:16 - An I/O error occured, 'TSV.avi' paused.
06/03/2013 00:33:16 - Reason: TSV file (C:/Users/~/Incoming Torrents/TSV.avi) error: Used to indicate that an operation cannot continue without blocking for I/O:

The file is fairly large 22GB. There wasn't a problem until the dload reached about 85%
Seems to happen when the dload speed approaches 60kbs wich is often.

I don't have clue what this means and could find no info online.

With Notepad++, I checked .../Application Data/qBittorrent/qBittorrent.ini.
Found nothing to indicate anything helpfull

Plus, In the Blocked IP's section of the execution log these are repeated many, Many times.

06/03/2013 00:33:00 - was blocked due to your IP filter
06/03/2013 00:33:05 - 86.50.67.xx was blocked due to your IP filter
06/03/2013 00:33:20 - was blocked due to your IP filter
06/03/2013 00:33:25 - 124.120.144.xx was blocked due to your IP filter
06/03/2013 00:33:26 - 189.222.137.xxwas blocked due to your IP filter
06/03/2013 00:33:48 - was blocked due to your IP filter

06/03/2013 00:34:32 - 2001:0:9d38:6ab8:91:1aa2:a9cd:xxxx was blocked due to your IP filter
06/03/2013 00:35:45 - 2002:5632:430e::5632:xxxx was blocked due to your IP filter

I'm not using a filter file or any program that does. (not intentionaly anyway)

Any idea of a solution or cause would be greatly appriciated.

Re: An I/O error occured

Post by Onemoar »

this is a bug try again with the experimental x64 build
you will need for force a recheck

Re: An I/O error occured

Post by donclanc »

Thank you very much Onemoar. That fixed it nicely.

Wish all my software issues could be fixed so handily.
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