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Saving torrent progress, shutdown aborted

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 3:18 pm
by olimexsmart
Hi to everyone,
I have qB launching with the system and usally I forget about it and let it be closed by Windows on shutdown.

The problem is that recently qB is aborting Windows shutdown. When pressing the shutdown button the systems tells me that is waiting for some program to close, with the programs being just qB itself. The motivation is "Saving torrents progress" or something like that. The process is so long that at a certain point it must hit some timeout and Windows return to the desktop.

Several time my PC was still running while I was convinced I shut it down.
My system is on SSD and it reasonably fast and I have 15-20 movie torrents active.

Thank you,

Re: Saving torrent progress, shutdown aborted

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 12:06 pm
by gspbeetle
Yes, it has been like that for qB with alot of tasks, since... I don't know when. (v3.2 I think?)
Just force shutdown anyway, it shouldn't break anything.

Re: Saving torrent progress, shutdown aborted

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 4:15 pm
by OdinWillsIt
force shut down or get you a little portable macro tool and bind the shut down to a key if it is that important to you

forcing shut down is fine do it all the time w.o error I just bind the task to key and shut it down in Task before actually rebooting but I also make sure yo PAUSE all torrents first I have a minimal of 100 torrents seeding/DLing 24.7

You could use this tool he makes some excellent portable tools they are clean

Re: Saving torrent progress, shutdown aborted

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2020 7:37 am
by gspbeetle
Bug trackers closed in Github. Seems to be fixed with 4.2.0.