How to copy everything except .unwanted?

Windows specific questions, problems.
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How to copy everything except .unwanted?

Post by pingosimon »

I've been reading around, and I understand that .unwanted is a necessary part of the system.

But does anyone have tips for easily dealing with those folders?

Specifically: I have a music torrent with hundreds of folders.  I've downloaded the entire torrent, so on my end there's nothing I "Don't want".  I want to copy these files to an mp3 player, but I don't want to copy the .unwanted.  I also want to keep seeding the torrent.

Alternatively, I could copy the entire torrent folder, and delete .unwanted from the copy.  But I googled methods on doing that, and couldn't understand how to get command prompt to do it.
Last edited by pingosimon on Sat Aug 31, 2019 9:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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