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Unable to download search engine plugins

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 1:27 pm
by rollinglog
I am unable to download search engine plugins, all I get when I click on the download button is a variation of this. What am I doing wrong, or have missed?

# VERSION: 1.1
# AUTHORS: mauricci

from helpers import retrieve_url
from helpers import download_file, retrieve_url
from novaprinter import prettyPrinter
import re

# python3
from html.parser import HTMLParser
except ImportError:
# python2
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser

class extratorrent(object):
url = ''
name = 'ExtraTorrent'
supported_categories = {'all': '0', 'movies': '4', 'tv': '8', 'music': '5', 'games': '3', 'anime': '1',
'software': '7'}

class MyHTMLParser(HTMLParser):

def __init__(self):
self.url = ''
self.TABLE_INDEX = 13
self.insideDataTd = False
self.tdCount = -1
self.tableCount = -1
self.infoMap = {'torrLink': 0, 'name': 2, 'size': 4, 'seeds': 5, 'leech': 6}
self.fullResData = []
self.pageRes = []
self.singleResData = self.getSingleData()

def getSingleData(self):
return {'name': '-1', 'seeds': '-1', 'leech': '-1', 'size': '-1', 'link': '-1', 'desc_link': '-1',
'engine_url': self.url}

def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
if tag == 'table':
self.tableCount += 1
if tag == 'td':
self.tdCount += 1
if self.tableCount == self.TABLE_INDEX:
self.insideDataTd = True
if self.insideDataTd and tag == 'a' and len(attrs) > 0:
Dict = dict(attrs)
if self.tdCount == self.infoMap['torrLink']:
if Dict.get('href', '').startswit