Is there a way to know whether a torrent is private or not using the qBittorrent-API?

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Is there a way to know whether a torrent is private or not using the qBittorrent-API?

Post by rudeus »

Reading the API documentation, I thought I would be able to make use of torrents_properties() or torrents_info() to figure this out, but it has no property that would point this out.

How does qBittorrent differentiate between private and public torrents?

Re: Is there a way to know whether a torrent is private or not using the qBittorrent-API?

Post by soutsur »

The search functionality is somewhat hidden in qBittorrent on the other hand. To get started, select View > Search Engine; this unlocks the search tab that you may switch to. The interface is straightforward and easy to use.
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Re: Is there a way to know whether a torrent is private or not using the qBittorrent-API?

Post by Peter »

Maybe not. I tried to dig but could not find a similar call.
It's a flag on the Torrent so it should be exposed - maybe no one asked for such functionality before?

Check existing/closed tickets here, please:
If you can't find anything remotely similar, you may create a new ticket about it.
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