Automatically add trackers through API

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Automatically add trackers through API

Post by prenni »

There is an option in qBittorrent to automatically add trackers to new downloads (Options -> BitTorrent).
I was wondering whether it's possible to use the following API to have the option to automatically use all stable and/or working trackers with new downloads.

Would be nice to have so you don't have to update them yourself to get rid of all the dead trackers....

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Re: Automatically add trackers through API

Post by Peter »

Oh we (like pretty much everyone in the community/online) use:
You could write a small script, to replace the relevant file in the settings of qBittorrent, to use a fresh fetch from ngosang's list.

Like... it depends on your platform where the .ini file is, but it's qBittorrent.ini in %APPDATA%\qBittorrent on Windows.
And the line is: Session\AdditionalTrackers=

So basically, in Python for example:
this is for Windows, uh, do whatever you want with it.
- you have to enable the options for this to work, because it does not look/care if its enabled or not
- you have to add a single tracker, or multiple trackers before you run this because it looks for the AdditionalTrackers line in config file
- it does not do any kind of backup of your backup, so I recommend backing up your config files before running it

Code: Select all

import os  # to get AppData
from urllib.request import urlopen  # to download new tracker list

CONFIG_PATH = os.getenv('APPDATA') + "\\qBittorrent\\qBittorrent.ini"

def get_fresh_trackers():
    url = ''
    output = urlopen(url).read()
    return output.decode('utf-8')

def process_config_tracker_list(tracker_list: str):
    returned_string = ""
    tracker_list_split = tracker_list.split('\n')
    for e in tracker_list_split:
        e: str
        if e:  # string not empty
            returned_string += e
            returned_string += "\\n\\n"

    return "Session\\AdditionalTrackers=" + returned_string

if __name__ == '__main__':
    tracker_list = process_config_tracker_list(get_fresh_trackers())
    final_lines = []

    # read the current config file
    with open(CONFIG_PATH) as qbit_config_file:
        config_lines = qbit_config_file.readlines()

    # replace the line with the new trackers
    for config_line in config_lines:
        if config_line.startswith("Session\\AdditionalTrackers"):
            config_line = tracker_list + os.linesep

    # write out ready config file
    with open(CONFIG_PATH, "w") as qbit_config_file:
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