The translation does not work in French as well as in all other languages

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The translation does not work in French as well as in all other languages

Post by Need74 »

Good morning,
The translation of qBittorrent in French and also in all the other languages includes a bug for a text and a label which always remain displayed in English.

This is a sentence in the program options, in the behavior tab and the transfer list part, the second choice offered:
<< Confirm "Pause/Resume all" actions >>
and the label that appears when you hover the mouse over this sentence:
<< Shows a confirmation dialog upon pausing/resuming all the torrents >>
I think that the non-translation comes from the fact that in the text there are quotation marks and that the identification by &quot; does not conform.

This defect is the only one I have noticed and it would be nice if the translation of the program could work in all languages.

If anyone knows the method for the translation and can act that would be great.

The error is located in the qbittorrent_fr.ts file between lines 5624 and 5633 inclusive:

<location filename="../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line="245"/>
<source>Shows a confirmation dialog upon pausing/resuming all the torrents</source>
<source>Show confirmation dialog when pausing/resuming all torrents</source>
<location filename="../gui/optionsdialog.ui" line="248"/>
<source>Confirm &quot;Pause/Resume all&quot; shares</source>
<source>Confirm &quot;Suspend/Resume All&quot; actions</source>
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