Suddenly unable to seed,DL or add new torrents with 4.4.x, 4.5.x or 4.6.x but works fine with 4.3.9

Windows specific questions, problems.
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Joined: Sat Jan 13, 2024 1:00 pm

Suddenly unable to seed,DL or add new torrents with 4.4.x, 4.5.x or 4.6.x but works fine with 4.3.9

Post by Downriver »

My system info:
Windows 10, AMD Ryzen 7 5800H, 64GB RAM, NVME

I had been using qB 4.5.4 without problems for many months without any trouble. A couple of days ago it suddenly stopped working. I had been adding some torrents with the Speed tab open when DL/UL graphs suddenly dropped to 0. At no point have there been any error messages. Initially I thought it was a network problem but I could browse the web, download large files, stream video without trouble.

Some of the things I tried which had no effect:
  • Rebooting qB and only having 1 torrent active
  • Rebooting qB and adding a new torrent with 100s of seeds. I tried both torrent files and magnet links
  • I have a pihole so I tried rebooting that several times without any effect
  • I rebooted my wifi router several times without any effect
  • I disabled my VPN and tried downloading a linux ISO with ~800 seeds
  • I had about 7000 torrents in qB. Although I only ever had less than 2000 active with the rest paused, I deleted 3500 without effect

I tried downloading a portable version of qB and that did work. But when I tried copying the torrents and profile info from the regular qB to the portable qB, the portable qB stopped working.

The I remembered that a tracker I'm a member of had a specific version of qB they recommended (4.3.9). I tried using that and now I could seed and DL. But 4.3.9 doesn't have some of the better workflow that later versions do like being able to set the torrent Category immediately and starting the torrent with a couple of additional keystrokes. Or when you right-click to the menu there are no underlined letters for faster access which I think began with 4.5.x.
qBit Screenshot 2024-01-12 151110-2.png
qBit Screenshot 2024-01-12 151110-2.png (35.48 KiB) Viewed 1628 times
I tried using various versions of 4.4.x, 4.5.x and 4.6.x without success. Each time I let the installer use the exact same settings I previously had but qB only works with 4.3.9 on my machine now.

I've used AutoHotKey to try and replicate the same ease of use as later versions but it's not quite the same. So I'm wondering if someone can help me figure out how I can use 4.5.x or if it's possible to have the context menu of 4.3.9 have letters be underlined for ease of use.

Posts: 3
Joined: Sun May 19, 2024 10:13 pm

Re: Suddenly unable to seed,DL or add new torrents with 4.4.x, 4.5.x or 4.6.x but works fine with 4.3.9

Post by chaz60 »


I too experienced that qbitorrrent sudddenly would not download, nor would it connect to any ports at all.
I was going nuts but thanks to your post, I installed ver 4.3.9 and it's working, so thanks!

I hope there's a fix for this soon,

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