A handful of humble suggestions.

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A handful of humble suggestions.

Post by BitTwiddler »

A handful of humble suggestions.

I just started using it, so this is the best time for me to write suggestions, since i'm not "used to" the program yet.

In General.
Move the "Resume All" menu item and the "Pause All" menu item to the toolbar. If I have the tool bar, I might as well have items on it. (But then again I am used to Maya, big toolbars don't scare me)
Have "Pause All" pause all new torrents as well, or at least an option for it to do so.

In RSS Tab.
When you add a link, give the ability to give it a specific name as well. Because if the autodetect fails, it ends up requiring a few extra clicks to rename it.
Add "Download Torrent" to the right-click popup menu for the individual items in the feed.
Allow us to reorder subscriptions or have them automatically reorder based on name. A.K.A. My feeds not being in alphabetical order is driving me crazy.

A few bugs I have spotted.
On the Transfers tab, I noticed the "#" column was missing despite it being checked in the context menu, I had to disable it and re enable it to get it. Reordering torrents when sorted by this column is somewhat slow, even with only 15 or so torrents.
Posts: 2443
Joined: Sun Jan 23, 2011 1:17 pm

Re: A handful of humble suggestions.

Post by sledgehammer_999 »

In General.
  Move the "Resume All" menu item and the "Pause All" menu item to the toolbar. If I have the tool bar, I might as well have items on it. (But then again I am used to Maya, big toolbars don't scare me)
  Have "Pause All" pause all new torrents as well, or at least an option for it to do so.
Long-click the pause/play button in the toolbar. A menu will appear.
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