SOLVED! Python not detected by search engine

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SOLVED! Python not detected by search engine

Post by PacoFdezSimon »

Despite having Python 37, 38 and 39 installed, qBittorrent does not detect them and the search engine cannot be activated:
/home/paco/Pictures/Screenshot from 2022-11-22 22-19-54.png
/home/paco/Pictures/Screenshot from 2022-11-22 22-21-35.png
How can I repair this issue?

Although Octopkg indicates that Python is installed, the solution to the problem has been to manually install Python in a terminal with the pkg install python command.
Screenshot from 2022-11-22 22-21-35.png
Screenshot from 2022-11-22 22-21-35.png (29.65 KiB) Viewed 1300 times
Screenshot from 2022-11-22 22-19-54.png
Screenshot from 2022-11-22 22-19-54.png (13.08 KiB) Viewed 1300 times
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