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Share settings and torrent between partitions

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 1:42 pm
by St4rl0rd95
Hello all,

Is it possible to use qBittorrent with multiple OS on the same machine, sharing the same settings folder on a mutual partition, so that I can leech/seed my torrent no matter which OS I am on?

I have a Windows and a Linux that share a partition, and both have a qBittorrent client installed. I found a workaround to "share" the settings:
- Make sure the completed and pending torrents are on the shared partition
- Copy the whole %APPDATA%/qbittorrent folder from Windows to the .local/share/data/qbittorrent folder
- "Manually" resume the torrents, that's to say move the downloaded file from the "complete" folder to the "pending" folder, right-click on the corresponding torrent in qBittorrent and click "Force verification".

It works quite well, but there are issues for example if a torrent is complete on one OS : the torrent get automatically moved to the "completed" folder, but the other OS doesn't know it is complete, so it keeps looking for it in the "pending" folder...
Other issue is when adding a torrent, I have to do it on both OS.

Thanks in advance