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Why can't download the torrent?

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 11:45 am
by tracker
All steps are reproducible,please try as what i describe and join in the discussion.
Download tool to create torrent with command line.

sudo apt install mktorrent

Create a directory `mytest` and get a sample file from web.

mkdir mytest
cd mytest
url=" ... 64-vmlinuz"
wget $url

Create the torrent in the directory `mytest`.

mktorrent -a udp:// \
-a \
-a udp:// \
-a \
-a udp:// \
-a udp:// \
-a udp:// \
-a udp:// \
-a udp:// \
-a udp:// \
-a udp:// \
-a udp:// \
-a udp:// \
-a udp:// \
-a udp:// \
-a udp:// \
-a udp:// \
-a udp:// \
-a udp:// \
-a udp:// \
-o mytest.torrent openwrt-19.07.7-x86-64-vmlinuz

The tracker list created by a github project.
[create the best 20 tracker server by a github project][1]

Now open the `mytest.torrent` with deluge to make it in seeding status.

Email the torrent to my friend , why can't download by qbittorrent?