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Necessary corrections (in programming)... part 1

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2021 7:04 pm
by Kronie
Necessary corrections in programming, ver 4.3.9, part 1

a) there used to be a clearly labeled check box selection under Downloads / Options, to move complete downloaded content to ..... folder. Where is that? Just offering to move completed torrent files to ... folder does nothing but a tremendous amount of file massaging after work

b) there used to be a clearly labeled check box to prevent the (notification) tray icon broadcasting that a download or other function, completed. Where is that? Running silent is the hallmark of discretion...

c) there used to be an auto restart from stalled timer feature that allowed auto restarting stalled download processes to be set, say every xxx minutes or so. Where is that? This feature makes the program worth while and self maintaining....(worth of donations)

d) font size selection is necessary as the characters are in micro-print and makes seeing them not subject to the overall displayed screen magnification factor. You can increase the displayed windows magnification to 200% and all content remains in micro-print, if not gets smaller. Why is that?????

this program is superior to the other torrent programs offered and is worth improving and repairing. please prioritize the above suggestions...