Solve problems with piracy while enabling content creators

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Solve problems with piracy while enabling content creators

Post by Swairard »

Idea to solve all the problems with piracy:


Have your application mine cryptocurrency as a distributed system, nodes of system lumped based on what movie/series the people download, for example if 5,000,000 are downloading the latest episodes of the walking dead, then all of the 5 million PCs that are downloading the walking dead episodes are mining light/bit/what ever coin together, just like the programs for distributing computing for SETI and protein folding are using the CPUs and GPUs of millions and millions of PC in order to solve complex tasks, the crypto-coin mining operation done by millions of people simultaniously, on a CPU setting that they will be able to determine, will produce a substancial amount of capital that can be used to reimburse the content creators and solve the problem of piracy.

I think that it would be a good idea to have people's PC mine cryptocurrence at a default setting of 10% a gesture conveying your intent that content creators should be reimbursed, with the option to set it to 0% to a 100%, and since most people are not scumbags, they will choose to support the content creators.


The mere fact that any content will be implicitly payed for by people who mine criptocurrency will allow any musician or independent movie maker to put his content out there and get reimbursed, thus leaving out the middle men such as different recording labels that usually do keep most of the money for themselves, instead letting people vote with their preferences, their computers, and their cpu generated cryptocoins which artists they support.

Thus if an aspiring musician is really good, but doesn't have the connections in the music industry, he can just upload his work and have people download it, and if it's good, he would be enabled by financial resources to create even more good content, thus benefiting everybody - it's a trully win-win situation.


Most people feel bad when they torrent a series or a movie, most people feel bad when torrenting a game, most people feel bad when torrenting anything that has been pirated, and so do many more millions and millions, if not billions of people, for they understand that using a product without paying for it is akin to theft, and most people don't like to think about themselves as thiefs, thus they would have even more motivation to actually mine criptocoins with their PC, for that would be extremely easy and will remove the feeling of guilt.


You are now standing on a precipice of some thing great, ready to usher in a wonderful future in which anybody would be able to watch any movie, any series, listen to any music they want to without feeling guilty about stealing the content, while justly reimbursing the creators of the content, and solving once and for all the problem of internet privacy.

The question is what will you choose to do?

Re: Solve problems with piracy while enabling content creators

Post by Papanikles »

Is a good idea. But real problem are the organizations that represent the copyrights and they stopped in the time and refuse innovate the methods of commercialization.
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Re: Solve problems with piracy while enabling content creators

Post by Nemo »

Moved to Cafe Lounge section.
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Re: Solve problems with piracy while enabling content creators

Post by sledgehammer_999 »

The real problem is the law...
No matter what one does to justify piracy ethically it will not justify it legally(depending on one's jurisdiction).
Plus, bittorrent + cryptocurrency == recent utorrent fiasco... (yeah, I know. The circumstances are different)

Re: Solve problems with piracy while enabling content creators

Post by Papanikles »

Law is not the problem. Because if i am owner of movie "X-Men" (example) and I allowed shared this with this method is not illegal.

Organizations of copyrights need stopped play game of cat and mouse and innovate the methods of commercialization.

For example, create a copyright tax for Internet and create a protocol that allowed download of copyright contents. And the owners of contents are pay with royalty method. Like 1 download = x $.

So many solutions exists, but the real problem is the refuse of innovation. They think that people still buy CD/DVD/Blurays. This is crazy. People today just don't buy anymore contents on physique support. They have same contents in digital on Internet!

So innovate the methods of commercialization and you will put a end of piracy. Because if exist a legal local that everybody can do download of movies, music, etc for free (but pay copyright tax on internet bills) they don't go download on piracy sites!

Re: Solve problems with piracy while enabling content creators

Post by ciaobaby »

Laws and legalities have ALWAYS been significantly behind technology and adoption of said technology and probably always will be, it took forty years for the law to catch up with the fact that people didn't die if they travelled at more than 20 MPH and it was no longer necessary to have a 'man with a red flag' walking in front of "self-propelled vehicles"
So many solutions exists, but the real problem is the refuse of innovation. They think that people still buy CD/DVD/Blurays. This is crazy. People today just don't buy anymore contents on physique support. They have same contents in digital on Internet!
refuse of innovation?? refuse being rubbish, trash etc.

However, you are wrong there, a significant proportion of people may not purchase physical 'media' but there are still many millions that do. And of course with the various debacles with Apple customers having their entire library wiped out by a software 'upgrade' and  iTunes claiming that whatever anyone 'buys' is not their's to pass on to their children when they die, it may take some appreciable time before the "physical media" market is no longer required.

The entire World has to lose the monetary based social system and being 'rich' in monetary value or possessions is the driving force for social standing, THEN we may get to having 'copyright' laws that make sense and a truly 'open' and equal society.

Re: Solve problems with piracy while enabling content creators

Post by KitKat »

Idea to solve all the problems with piracy:


Have your application mine cryptocurrency as a distributed system, nodes of system lumped based on what movie/series the people download, for example if 5,000,000 are downloading the latest episodes of the walking dead, then all of the 5 million PCs that are downloading the walking dead episodes are mining light/bit/what ever coin together, just like the programs for distributing computing for SETI and protein folding are using the CPUs and GPUs of millions and millions of PC in order to solve complex tasks, the crypto-coin mining operation done by millions of people simultaniously, on a CPU setting that they will be able to determine, will produce a substancial amount of capital that can be used to reimburse the content creators and solve the problem of piracy.

Terrible idea, it would rely on content holders putting their own material out like this, Xcoin mining is a GPU/CPU killer, current media formats are not exploitable enough to allow this to be forced to run alongside the copyrighted content.
There would be applications to remove this functionality amazingly quick.

The mere fact that any content will be implicitly payed for by people who mine criptocurrency will allow any musician or independent movie maker to put his content out there and get reimbursed, thus leaving out the middle men such as different recording labels that usually do keep most of the money for themselves, instead letting people vote with their preferences, their computers, and their cpu generated cryptocoins which artists they support.

Thus if an aspiring musician is really good, but doesn't have the connections in the music industry, he can just upload his work and have people download it, and if it's good, he would be enabled by financial resources to create even more good content, thus benefiting everybody - it's a trully win-win situation.
I'm sure AMD and Intel will support this as it will increase their sales alot in the short and long run ;)

Honestly the main issue as i see it lies with availability and cost per capita.
Itunes takes a huge cut of every sale, steam takes a 30% cut of all sales in additional to using regional pricing.
(If anyone here uses steam use a VPN to claim to be from russia then flip your shit when you see games not on sale with an instant 50%+ discount)
Alot of people i know pirate games because "theres no demo how do i know if its bad or not, how do i know if i can run it im near minimum specs, i dont want to waste $60"

The end result of service providers adding additional costs to online downloads makes the end product more expensive than it should be.
Point in case, itunes will sell each song for $1.69, album has 12 songs, that costs MORE than the physical CD itself. It is more convenient yes, but its a massive rip off (DRM locked @ 256bitrate, eww)


Most people feel bad when they torrent a series or a movie, most people feel bad when torrenting a game, most people feel bad when torrenting anything that has been pirated, and so do many more millions and millions, if not billions of people, for they understand that using a product without paying for it is akin to theft, and most people don't like to think about themselves as thiefs, thus they would have even more motivation to actually mine criptocoins with their PC, for that would be extremely easy and will remove the feeling of guilt.


You are now standing on a precipice of some thing great, ready to usher in a wonderful future in which anybody would be able to watch any movie, any series, listen to any music they want to without feeling guilty about stealing the content, while justly reimbursing the creators of the content, and solving once and for all the problem of internet privacy.

The question is what will you choose to do?
Personally i'd rather not melt my gpu because the new DRM is bitcoin mining.
(That said i do have a $500 graphics card + powersupply rig loungeroom thats made me some money in the past month.. its not very cost effective honestly even running on our solar... the real money in bitcoin mining is selling cute little boxes to people that mine for them because odds are they'll burn out before they become profitable)
Doing that would just kill businesses entirely as everyone would pirate their content to AVOID that DRM..

Im fully aware im necroing.
Last edited by KitKat on Thu Mar 31, 2016 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Solve problems with piracy while enabling content creators

Post by Killua »


Most people feel bad when they torrent a series or a movie, most people feel bad when torrenting a game, most people feel bad when torrenting anything that has been pirated, and so do many more millions and millions, if not billions of people, for they understand that using a product without paying for it is akin to theft, and most people don't like to think about themselves as thiefs, thus they would have even more motivation to actually mine criptocoins with their PC, for that would be extremely easy and will remove the feeling of guilt.

Sorry, I don't feel that way...

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Re: Solve problems with piracy while enabling content creators

Post by Nemo »

Interesting.. lol :P.
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Re: Solve problems with piracy while enabling content creators

Post by Peter »


Just a quick reply. Mining with normal hardware is not profitable anymore.

Even if you linked up all the home computers - that are usually much weaker than an enthusiast tier PC - you would get almost no coins out of that. There is a reason why malware writers don't deploy miner software anymore, they just use the encrypt trick, because that's solid money.

Also if you do this, consumer systems (CPU/GPU/OS wise) could not enter sleep states*.
It would result in an enormous huge plus power usage...

* A modern CPU enters into deep sleep states to save even more power. Even if that does not happen, it will just use the lowest power state. Same with GPU, they just throttle back to P3-P4 state. And the OS? Since Windows 7, Windows goes to auto sleep after X minutes.
All of those would be gone.
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