Tracker issue with 4.3.3 - notice it on any other version?

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Tracker issue with 4.3.3 - notice it on any other version?

Post by DeathStalker »

Ok, so I've noticed that I get a LOT of torrents hanging on "Updating...." and never connect to the tracker. When I was on uT 2.2.1, that happened on ONLY one single tracker (still no idea why, but it was always JUST that one alone), but now on qB I notice it on EVERY tracker I'm on (~1600 torrents across a dozen trackers). NOTHING, changes this "Updating...." status, and it appears to be random - never the same title/tracker combos. Ex, if I have a tracker with 40 torrents, when I start up one time, maybe 10 will hang, the next startup, 15, the next only 8, etc.

Any ideas?

--- DS
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Re: Tracker issue with 4.3.3 - notice it on any other version?

Post by Peter »

- Enable announce to all tracker in advanced settings
- Please use a fresh version of qBittorrent

Re: Tracker issue with 4.3.3 - notice it on any other version?

Post by DeathStalker »

I don't want my current version uninstalled - why provide that as the only option?

--- DS

Re: Tracker issue with 4.3.3 - notice it on any other version?

Post by DeathStalker »

made backups. Installed 4.3.8 - those options were already enabled.

In uT 2.2.1 there was the STATUS column available, in which you could EASILY see any that had the issue - now that column is not available for the main window, only the individual torrent details section - it would be VERY nice to have it available for the main window.

And yes, I have tried the REANNOUNCE; I have tried stopping, waiting, re-starting, etc - as I said, NOTHING changes it, and you can ONLY see it when you are looking at the individual torrent. So basically impossible to tell what is "stuck" in that state.

--- DS
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